A few notes from our trip so far: The airline TACA INternational did a wonderful job of flying us here with a few dozen others, but the flight was less than half full. It is hard to tell if this is due to the economy, the approaching rainy season in Central America or the threat of the swine-flu that has been hanging over the heads of the traveling public (dare we say partly due to overblown sensational coverage by mainstream media). The flu has indeed hit the region this far south and evidence of concern lies in the doctors masks worn by about half of the airline employees, but we don't fell all that worried. Consider that only 2 cases have been found in all of El Salvador thus far, compared to the 1,000 plus that has hit the U.S including 50 reported in our hometown of New York City.
The difference in heat and humidity is the first adjustment that we will have to make as it hit us like a wave once we stepped outside of the airport. Luckily, the climate in the mountains here in Morazon is much more temperate and cool breezes tend to dominate in the evenings. The ride here was pretty much the same as past trips, only with less wrong turns and the comfort of knowing our surroundings. Since it did not rain during our 4 hours car ride, we were able to enjoy some of the natural beauty that the country has offer (like the dominating view of Volcan De St. Vincente seen above).
Thats it for now, we are up early tomorrow to say hello to Amun Shea.
Oh, yes...for those keeping track, we are 2 hours behind you on the East Coast.
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nice blog.
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