Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Focal Point Aid Benefit Concert

Come out to see some great music and support Focal Point Aid while you're at it.

WHAT: Benefit Concert for Focal Point Aid

WHEN: June 2nd, 7pm

WHERE: Arlene's Grocery, 95 Stanton st. Lower Manhattan

WHO: Zach Hurd
Tina Mathieu
John Schmitt
The Library

Proceeds of this event will go directly towards our school project in Coffee Bay, South Africa.

For more details about Focal Point Aid go here. If you can't make the event and wish to donate, please go here.

1 comment:

Jackie Rose said...

Dear FPA,

I'm so excited for the benefit concert! I came across your website a while ago while searching for volunteer projects and mulling over designing and registering my own not-for profit organization.

I really like the way you assess a situation, then select an aspect of the situation you can directly benefit or improve.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Jackie Rose