Saturday, September 12, 2009

Buy a Desk for South Africa!

On September 24th, we are headed back to Coffee Bay!Before we do, we are having a gathering and fundraiser for the children in the picture above.

Those are students from the Madakeni Junior Secondary School that we went to visit last year. As you can see (and read in past posts) they are great children and happy students, but they need a lot. On this trip Focal Point Aid will purchase some basic necessities for the school. You can help. It takes very little to make a big difference. Here is how:

For $20 you can purchase one of these students a new desk.

For $50 you can purchase a student a desk, a chair and a backpack.

We can guarantee that 100% of all donations that we get prior to our trip will get to the school in only 3 weeks. Your help can make a difference just that quick!

Come Join us at the Blue Donkey bar this Saturday, September 19th at 4pm to make your donation and help send us off.

WHEN: September 19th @ 4PM

WHERE: Blue Donkey, Amsterdam btw. w83rd and w84th st.

See you there. If you cannot make it, you can make your donation by visiting our website here.

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